
Special Vehicles

Trading of Spare Parts

Our Specialization

There hundreds of types vehicles for various fields including Automobile Industry, Aviation, Marine, Ground Handling, Agriculture and other specific fields. We serve and supply various brands of vehicles and their spare parts in several fields. However, our specialization areas are Ground Handling, Aviation and Marine fields related vehicles.

Ground support equipment (GSE) including vehicles is the support equipment found at an airport, usually on the apron, the servicing area by the terminal. This equipment is used to service the aircraft between flights. As the name suggests, ground support equipment is there to support the operations of aircraft whilst on the ground. The role of this equipment generally involves ground power operations, aircraft mobility, and cargo/passenger loading operations. All these procedures involve various types of vehicles including dollies, rollers, Aircraft Services Stairs (automatic or manual), Refuelers, Ground Power Units, Special Buses, Container Loaders, Transporters, Air Start Units, Non-potable water trucks, Lavatory service vehicles, Catering Vehicles, Belt Loaders, Passenger Boarding Stairs, Pushback Tugs and Trucks, Anti-Icing Vehicles, and other types of vehicles. We supply our customers with all these types of vehicles and machineries and their spare parts.

Our mission is becoming Number 1 Supplier of Ground Handling and related vehicles and their spare parts in MENA and CIS regions by 2030 year. Safety, Loyalty and Building Long-Term Relations with quality supply and service are our main goals to achieve in order to realize our mission!

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